シラバス トップページへ 東北文教大学トップページへ




開講時期:前期 授業形態:演習 授業回数:15 回 時間数:30 時間 単位:1 単位


■ 科目のねらい
This course is a basic introduction to the teaching of English to elementary school children. Through role-playing and practice classes,students will gain confidence in basic English education.

■ 授業の概要
The course will be practical with many presentations and thesharing of ideas on how to make English learning
enjoyableand worthwhile.

■ 達成目標・到達目標
Students will be able to converse inbasic English conversation.
Students will learn easy, useful phrases for elementary school classrooms.
Students will learn phonics and how to read English correctly.
Students will learn how to present English class activities to children.

■ 単位認定の要件
Passing grades will be given to students who attend at least 2/3 of classes, complete the tests and
assignments and successfully give storytelling, drama and teaching presentations.

■ 単位の認定方法及び割合
期末レポート:20% 授業内提出物:20% 授業内試験:50% 授業内活動:10%

■ 授業計画

■ 時間外学修
Students must review and evaluate previous classes (30-60 mins) and prepare for short comprehension tests (3
0 mins). Also rehearsal time for presentations (3-5 hours).

■ 課題に対するフィードバック
Reports will be discussed with the teacher and presentations will be self and group evaluated.

■ 使用テキスト・教材
All necessary materials will be handed out in class. Students should bring a file to keep handouts.

■ 参考文献等

■ 備考

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