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シラバス トップページへ 東北文教大学トップページへ |
開講時期:後期 授業形態:演習 授業回数:15 回 時間数:30 時間 単位:1 単位
■ 科目のねらい
This course is an extension of 実践英語A. Students will use storytelling as a base to increase their ability to have extended coherent conversations using language, both verbal and non-verbal, appropriate to different situations.(DPに対応する中項目:③⑨)
■ 授業の概要
This course will combine drama and speaking to tell stories. The classes will be extremely practical focusing on groupwork and teamwork. The aim of the course is to produce an original, complete with pros and sets, which covers a social issue chosen by the students.
■ 達成目標・到達目標
Students will have an increased ability to engage in extended conversations.
Students will increase their ability to produce coherent exchanges using both verbal and non-verbal languages.
Students will increase their awareness that English is a living language.
■ 単位認定の要件
A passing grade will be given to students who attend more than 2/3 of classes, complete presentations and hand in all necessary assignments.
■ 単位の認定方法及び割合
授業内提出物:20% 授業内試験:40% 授業内活動:40%
■ 授業計画
■ 時間外学修
Completion of assignments and preparation for upcoming classes. Extra practice.
■ 課題に対するフィードバック
Feedback will be continuous throughout the course, both on an individual and group basis.
■ 使用テキスト・教材
There is no text for this course.
■ 参考文献等
■ 備考
This course will be very practical and will require students who are happy to perform in front of others. Students will also need the ability to give and accept constructive criticism from the teacher and from each other. Also necessary is an ability to memorize dialogue.
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